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Policy No: 2016
Responsible Office: Student Financial Services
Last Review Date: 06/26/2023
Next Required Review: 06/26/2028
Policy No: 2016
Responsible Office: Student Financial Services
Last Review Date: 06/26/2023
Next Required Review: 06/26/2028

Petty Cash

1. Purpose

学生会计办公室将维持一个零用现金基金,员工可以从中寻求报销某些小件购买. 当某些部门的业务性质需要现金购买小件物品时, for making change for cash transactions, 或支付给研究参与者作为奖励或参与者成本的补偿, 经正当理由和批准,可以设立部门零用现金基金. This fund will be maintained by the department on a custodial basis.

2. Applicability


3. Definitions

Not Applicable.

4. Policy Guidelines

4.1  Responsibility and Control of Petty Cash Funds

4.1.零用现金资金的正确使用和安全的责任和责任由零用现金资金的保管人承担, which must be a Department Head, or if grant funded, the Principal Investigator (“PI”).
4.1.托管人可以指派适当的人员保管和控制零用现金. 如果零用现金的控制权被分配给另一个人(“委托”), 保管人有责任就任务进行沟通, in writing, to the Office of Student Accounting, and the Delegate must acknowledge the acceptance of the assignment. 保管人对遵守本协议所述政策负有最终责任, even if control is assigned to a Delegate.
4.2  Establishing a Petty Cash Fund

4.2.保管人必须在文件路径系统中完成所需的信息,并确认他们对零用现金政策的审查和理解. 所需资料的一个组成部分是详细解释为什么要求零用现金资金. 此解释应包括有关请求的所有相关背景细节, the purpose of the petty cash fund, and why the requested dollar amount is necessary. If grant funded, the relevant background details should, at a minimum, include the name of the study, IRB number, and the reason for incentives if applicable.
4.2.在Doc Route系统中适当的批准将导致零用现金基金的建立.
4.2.学生会计代表将把零用现金支票交给保管员,并解释零用现金政策和程序. 如果托管人将零用现金的控制权分配给一名代表(每4).1.2)托管人有责任(1)让代表与学生会计代表一起参与这一过程,或(2)单独向代表解释零用现金政策和程序.
4.2.托管人和代理人应在收到支票并了解零用现金政策和程序的确认表上签字, if designated.
4.2.零用现金支票应由保管人(或代表)在汉考克惠特尼的任何一处兑现, or the USA Federal Credit Union. Petty cash checks are not to be deposited into any bank account, including the bank account of the custodian or delegate.
4.3  Limitations on the Use of Petty Cash Funds
Departmental petty cash funds must not exceed $500.00,除非得到学生财务服务部执行主任的批准.
4.3.零用现金支出,除非预先批准用于研究目的,不应超过50美元.00 and must match the IRB approved protocol.
4.3.3  Cashing of personal checks from petty cash funds is not allowed.
4.3.不允许从零用现金中报销差旅费和预支差旅费. Travel expenses include parking fees, toll charges and gasoline.
4.3.从零用现金中报销伙食费、招待费、会务费等., is not allowed.
4.3.9 .各部门只有在紧急情况下或在使用大学采购系统有困难或成本效益不高的情况下,才应使用小额现金报销作为采购物品的一种手段.
4.3.10 .利用学校免交销售税的优惠, 鼓励各学系尽可能合理地使用大学的采购系统.
4.4  Maintaining a Petty Cash Fund

零用现金必须至少每周核对一次,计数应记录在案,供查阅. Overages and shortages exceeding $10.必须向内部审计办公室报告,并说明可能的原因和采取的纠正措施.
4.4.1 .必须具备保管基金的设施,并经学生会计处批准. 零用现金$1,000或以上必须存放在一个不能移动的箱子或保险箱里.
4.4.付款收据必须是付款的肯定证据,并包括:供应商名称, vendor location, and date of purchase. 他们还必须列出购买物品的完整描述和分项数量. 有变更证据的收据不能接受或处理.
4.4.5  The log must include: research project name, IRB number, payment date, research participant name or confidential identifier, payment amount, research participant signature or initials, 托管人(或支付资金的研究小组成员)签名或首字母缩写. 所有参会者的访问都应单独记录,而不是一次性付款.
4.4.5.研究参与者的所有收据/日志均被视为机密主题信息,不得包含在提交给应付账款的任何收据或日志中. 被支付人类受试者的信息应保存在研究现场. 
4.4.6.  为了遵守税务报告要求,基金的托管人必须通知在一个日历年内收到超过600美元的任何研究参与者的应付账款,并在知情同意过程中了解这一点.
4.4.零用现金凭证(点击查看表格)必须由托管人或代理人批准. 如果托管人以外的人被授权批准零用现金凭证,系主任必须书面通知学生会计办公室. 如果托管人或代理人使用了定制的零用现金凭证, 保管人有责任获得学生会计办公室的批准,以使用定制的表格.
4.5.由学生会计办公室报销的零用现金支出必须提交由托管人或代表签署的零用现金凭证(附件). 零用现金凭证必须完全执行,并附有适当的收据(如适用,研究日志). 学生会计办公室有权力和责任拒绝报销任何未经适当批准或支持的支出.
4.5.报销频率-零用现金保管员应尽快寻求报销. 保管人负责零用现金的安全保管,并通过Concur处理补足.
4.5.3  For Research Projects, 赠款基金FOAPAL将在通过Concur处理补充资金时使用.
4.5.保管员负责将零用现金补充支票兑现并核对零用现金, 以第4节零用现金支票正本的相同规则为准.
4.5.零用现金结清-当一个部门确定不再需要零用现金基金时, 托管人必须将零用现金补充到其原始余额,并与总分类账上最初建立的金额相协调. 托管人应准备一份备忘录,说明关闭基金的意图,并填写部门存款表. The memo and form, 连同任何适用的证明文件或剩余资金, should be taken to the Office of Student Accounting for processing.
4.6  Petty Cash Closeout
4.6.零用现金结清-当一个部门确定不再需要零用现金时, 托管人必须将零用现金补充到其原始余额,并与总分类账上最初建立的金额相协调. 托管人应准备一份备忘录,说明关闭基金的意图,并填写部门存款表. The memo and form, 连同任何适用的证明文件或剩余资金, must be taken to the Office of Student Accounting for processing.

4.7  Changing the Custodian of a Fund
4.7.1  When a change of a custodian or Delegate is required, 应向学生会计办公室发送电子邮件,说明姓名, j number, phone number, and title of the new custodian or delegate.
4.7.2  If the change is for a new custodian, at the time the responsibility is assumed, 新托管人应在原基金托管人或其他适当部门工作人员在场的情况下清点基金,以确保基金完好无损. 点票应记录在案,并由出席的各方签字.

5. Procedures

Not Applicable

6. Enforcement

6.1  零用现金必须接受内部审计署的审计, State Examiner, and the Office of Student Accounting. 学生会计办公室将在秋季和春季学期对至少3个零用现金基金进行随机零用现金计数. Upon request, 基金托管人须出示现金及已签署并附有付款收据的零用现金凭单. 现金和收据必须等于零用现金基金的授权金额.

6.2  一份年度零用现金基金授权表格将被发送到每个拥有零用现金基金的部门. 托管人必须填写此表格以核实基金金额, the continued need for the fund, the name of the Custodian and other pertinent information. 零用现金授权表将由管理层使用,以确保与总分类账的流动余额一致.

7. Related Documents

7.1  Student Accounting Website -
7.2  Petty Cash Reimbursement Form -
7.3  Petty Cash Closeout/Departmental Deposit Form -